Saturday, April 25, 2009

Belly Dance Gauntlets

seen things I never believe. I've seen taps with a mini display to read email , microwaves and fridges with internet connection (provided that there is a technology fair is what they get on the news) ... And some say this is the future of the technology. I think not. The future of technology is not that. According to Wikipedia the definition of technology would be this: " Technology is the set of skills that can make objects and machines to adapt the environment and meet our needs." (I put the wikipedia because it has a more philosophical and practical sentodo than the RAE )
If we stick to this definition What needs meets a tap from which to read e-mail, or a microwave with internet , or a refrigerator? Well, honestly no. For to read email or surf the web nothing like sitting front of a good monitor quietly in the living room of your house. The technological future that awaits us out there do not pass the technological future goes through a higher power coupled with increased miniaturization of electronic devices, lower power consumption and enhanced ergonomics. That

from my point of view if the future of technology. So, you know, do not be fooled with a jug with wi-fi because it is not the future of technology.
But all these will be lost in time like tears in rain.

Press play.