Many of you have happened, Microsoft, compels you Windows Live Messenger to upgrade to version 9. We will get a window telling us that there is a new version of Windows Live Messenger, if you want to update now. We see two options "Yes" after selection will begin downloading, and "No", the program will remain the same. As Microsoft is forced to upgrade. This happens in versions 7.5, 8.1 or 8.5. It turns out that this new version of Messenger, including the correction of a security bug in the program so the computer attacks that we receive will be reduced.
If your computer does not support this new version, we consume resources, or simply does not give us the desire to upgrade to the new version, here I present a great solution:
If your computer does not support this new version, we consume resources, or simply does not give us the desire to upgrade to the new version, here I present a great solution:
- closed completely
- Windows Live Messenger, closing with the right button "Close" in the task tray to the left of the time.
- We're to the folder where we installed Windows Live Messenger. (If you do not know where you are, just click the right button on the link and see where it points).
- right click on the button in the Messenger executable, we go to the Compatibility tab, tick "Run this program in compatibility mode for:" and select Windows 2000.
- accepted, and re-run Windows Live Messenger. Running it will comprobaréis as you are repairing Windows Live Messenger, once finished the repair will open without asking for any updates.
If you want to ask again for updates, you only have to follow the steps in reverse, ie tab uncheck "Run this program in compatibility mode for:"
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