Youth Congress revolutions in the Arab world and beyond transcend traditional categories of left Interview Gabriele Del Grande Italian journalist currently in Benghazi
Allende Alma Translation
"humanitarian" bombing of the U.S., France , Britain and NATO now full, to Libya. |
Gabriele Del Grande was born in 1982, graduated in Oriental Studies at the University of Bologna. Writes in L'Unita and PeaceReporter, but actually has been working for years to have as a journalist attentive, committed and rigorous history of the true "universal class" of the XXI century: immigrants. In 2006 he founded the observatory of the victims of migration Fortress Europe, which records names and numbers of "genocide" structural derivative of European migration policies. He has written two seminal books on the subject: Mamadou going to die, which is English translation (Editions East and the Mediterranean, 2008) and Il mare di mezzo, whose chapters on Tunisia and Libya are a must read for anyone who wishes to address the current situation in both countries. For two months is covering the field-from Tunisia, Libya, Egypt and now the events of the Arab world. For twenty days is in Benghazi and from there has responded to our questions.
Now that you've decided to UN intervention and the bombs "allied" fall on Libya , numerous anti-imperialist voices trying to prove that the revolt was from the beginning Libyan mounting Western powers. What do you think about it? Has there been an exterior design or have been spontaneous popular uprisings such as Tunisia and Egypt?
I'm not at all agree with those who expose a conspiracy. In Libya, and Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen and now also in Syria, the riots were spontaneous and popular and not the result of U.S. plots, but rather a natural response could be expected after decades of dictatorships supported by the major powers in the name of stability and good business. It is amazing that some conspiracy theories come from left field. But that happens because these revolutions may also transcend and overcome the categories on the left. It is interesting to analyze this paradox. On the streets of Cairo and Tunis and Benghazi, are mostly poor. But do not ask the poor wages, the bosses do not cry, do not identify as working class. Or at least not yet. First of all demand freedom and foremost identify themselves as citizens. And one of the main tools that allows them to organize is an object of consumption. Perhaps the most futile symbol of consumer goods: The computer you connect to the network, and video phones to record what happens on the street. There is, in short, a generational element. It is very young country, unlike Italy or Spain, whose average citizens have grown during the Cold War. Here most of the population is under 25 years and push for change. A change in the north shore (the Mediterranean) do not know understand, also because of a racist and colonial prejudice that we can not free ourselves. Europe is considered the only possible repository of democracy. Like a concept that can belong only to some and not others. And considers it impossible that a Muslim country can aspire to freedom rather than religious obscurantism. This is why the conspiracy theory to thrive. Do not accept the idea that "our" corresponding decline "their" resurgence.
Why do you think the U.S., EU and even Italy, with such strong interests in Libya, have decided on a "humanitarian" intervention against a friend and ally?
essentially a miscalculation. Let me explain. At first it seemed that the Gaddafi regime would implode upon itself in the course of a few days. This happened in Tunisia and Egypt. And in those days the world powers rushed to condemn the Libyan dictatorship and Opening to send signals to the rebels in order to ensure continuity of oil contracts and concessions millions that Libya offers and will offer in the coming years. After it was shown that Gaddafi was a tougher nut to crack than expected and gained ground thanks to the parsimony of the UN and Libya's entry into professional mercenaries of war, coming from other African countries, and used in offensive campaigns against cities of the rebels. At this point, the international powers had to make a decision to protect its interests in Libya. Or go for the rebels and prepare the weapons, or retracing one's steps with very high risk that a character as Qaddafi, resented the insult, cancel contracts with Western companies, according to their known personal management system lunatic Libya.
Who are part of the Libyan National Council? Are agents of imperialism, brave revolutionary, a mix of everything?
These characters varied extraction. Mostly lawyers, judges, businessmen and the occasional washed face of the regime has abandoned Qaddafi time and not have their hands dirty with blood. Some have returned to Libya after years of exile abroad, especially in the U.S.. From his statements it appears that aspire to a united Libya, with its capital at Tripoli, governed by a constitutional, parliamentary and party that respects the old oil contracts and recognizes the freedom of expression, association, company, and thought. The work ahead is very long, because for 42 years civil society in Libya has been destroyed. There are no associations. There are no unions. There are no political parties. There are no institutions. There is only the network of People's Committees of Gaddafi, special security forces, an army that does not count and the long hand of the great leader who decides everything according to your mood.
left Is there a more or less organized in Benghazi? What role has the youth?
The left does not exist and there is not visible. I repeat that there has been no matches in the last forty years. It has suppressed all forms of dissent. The only internal opposition force in recent decades has been that of political Islam. Harsh repressed during the dictatorship. Just think of the 1,200 Islamists shot in one night in Abu Slim prison in Tripoli in 1996. Also, the revolution broke out Feb. 17 from the spark of his protest, when on 15 February the families of the victims took to the streets to demand justice. Moreover, it is a spontaneous movement, formed mainly by young, naive even if you want, but in the positive sense. In the sense that there is a whole generation without being too sophistry has decided it's worth fighting for freedom and decided to end the Gaddafi regime, even at the cost of their lives.
What was the social and economic situation in Cyrenaica before the riots? "Libya is not a rich country? So why protest?
This is another interesting thing. In contrast to Tunisia and Egypt, Libya is a rich country. Even these days are all over big new cars and houses are houses where I entered the middle class. The poor in the city are mostly foreigners, Egyptians, Sudanese, Chadian, Tunisians, Moroccans, Nigerians, who emigrated to Libya to seek their fortune and were forced to do the most menial and lowest paid. Something very different happens in the countryside and in rural areas, living well below the level of city life. But once again here is not to protest wages. I have never heard to utter the word "Salary" in the protests. Sure, they cry against corruption scandal, but the main point is freedom and an end to dictatorship and state terrorism. Of course, it is clear that everybody believes that a petroleum management oriented public good provide a wealth of the country, more education and better quality of life. But the main point, again, is freedom.
The people of Benghazi, have you actually asked the intervention? Do not fear losing control of his revolution? Losing international credibility, even among neighboring Arab villages?
The people of Benghazi are clear about two points. They want no-fly zone and allies bombardeaos Gaddafi on aviation and heavy weapons that threaten civilians. And at the same time do not want the entry of foreign troops or military occupation. He says the people in the street and emphasizes the National Transitional Council.
The anti-imperialist conspiracy talk might wonder how rebels have been armed so fast, since the early days. Where did they come up arms? Who has supplied weapons to rebels?
strange thing is that you ask in return who has armed Gaddafi and where you got all these tanks and all those launchers with which they are terrorizing civilians. But back to the question, the dynamics are very simple. On 15 February, the protests in Benghazi. The army, as in Tunis and Cairo, he refuses to shoot the people. But they do it in place special security forces Gaddafi. In a few days there is a slaughter, at least 300 people. At this time the army, under pressure from the people, open the barracks and let the young people caught by the old Kalashnikov and few rocket launchers found in the deposits. Thanks to these weapons are able to expel from the city special forces Gaddafi. And with those same weapons defend the city of Benghazi and release Ijdabiya cities, Brega and Ras Lanuf. Until Gaddafi launched against them special units and armed mercenaries and missile tanks supported by military aircraft, which spread panic among the ranks of the rebels bombed the front. It is certainly true in the days after the first military defeats against Gaddafi's army arrived in the city new weapons and new ammunition. Again old Kalashnikov and a little flak. Someone was able to operate three helicopters and two Mirage warplanes, both later killed, one by friendly fire and one by an explosion in the engine. In any case, if it is a mystery where the new weapons have arrived, what is certain is that it is small arms and in poor condition. As for the alleged military instructors on which it has been speculated, therefore, judging by the chaos of the front say that never came.
How do you think that Western intervention can influence the course of the Libyan revolution and Arab?
all depends on the decisions taken. For now, the heavy artillery bombardment on Gadhafi has prevented simply a slaughter. It is true that have killed scores and perhaps hundreds of Libyan soldiers and mercenaries. It really could have been avoided with diplomacy intervening before, perhaps ten years earlier, rather than engage in courting the dictator since the days of the end of the embargo in 2004. But things being so, the bombing prevented than thirty tanks and twenty launchers entered Benghazi, when they were at their doors, and after a day of battle in the city causing 94 deaths. Like it or not war, and I do not like is this what we mean. Now, however, military intervention must stop and the rest of the work is Libyans do. Because the problem is not war or war itself. " The war already exists. It is a war of liberation. Of a people against the regime, their stooges and mercenaries. And it should not become a colonial war against an enemy government's own interests. But from what I've seen these days, I am convinced that we must support the Libyan people. In the best case scenario will arise a constitutional republic based on liberal economic system. You may not like, but they like the Libyans and also have the right to choose their own future. Gaddafi support on behalf of their socialist and Third World Mask is not only stupid but only makes us accomplices to a war criminal.
"A Gaddafi not without reason, pictures of his house bombed make me feel bad", Berlusconi said. He also says he would like to personally blitz to Tripoli to negotiate with Arafat "a departure from the scene honorable. "Why do you say these things?
Berlusconi says that a little by his delusions of omnipotence and its continuing search for a place among the great statesmen of the history of Italy. And a little also to distract the Italian and international public opinion the image of whoring not can shake off after the recent sex scandals as morbidly investigated by the judiciary and the Italian press.
Talk of Lampedusa. 11,000 immigrants landed, of which there are still 3,000 on the island another 2,000 have been expelled. Between 5,000 and 8,000 are missing the interior ministry claims to have "distributed" in the territory, as if the number of places available in the CIE and the CARA was not a public figure. The underground factory, in short, running at full capacity. Even if there appears to be Libyans among the migrants, do you have a relationship with Libya?
No, for now there is no such relationship. There again, just leave Zuwara again, presumably after completion of the revolution. But I do not see that link. A Lampedusa not getting any fugitive from Libya. Sure, here have been many foreigners, at least 250,000, mostly Egyptians and Tunisians, and also Chinese, Bengali and others, but most have returned home to waiting to return to Libya. The Libyans fleeing the war moving from one city to another in the country, seeking refuge in the liberated areas to the east. In Lampedusa, however, have so far come only Tunisians. Besides originating Zarzis, Djerba and Tataouine. And once again, in this case, the origin of the wave of immigration is not the chaos in the country by the revolution, as many have claimed political asylum calling and talking about refugees. It is, rather, on two factors. One more contingent linked to the economic crisis of the Tunisian coast due to the drop in tourism after the insurrection. The second, linked to the collective adventure. Again, think in terms of crisis is reductive and racist because it leads us to forget that they are young people, like us, with his dreams and his love of challenges. Thousands of young people have learned from the revolution is right to rebel. And perhaps without having streamlined, have begun to rebel against the injustice of the border. Want to go to Paris to visit their relatives, want to work a few months, want to see the north shore, they want to marry an Italian. Want to travel. The reasons are his business, after all, traveling is not exclusive to despair but rather an indispensable part of life for all young people today. And to do so violates a law they consider unjust. I think an act of rebellion that poses a huge potential. So I say that the fund is not an evil that Lampedusa is now overcrowded. Because it raises very serious questions explosively. The regime of criminalization freedom of movement must fall, just as dictatorships have fallen in the southern Mediterranean. The time is ripe for that.
Writing from Benghazi, have you had the impression of being biased? How do you rate the quality of general information on Libya and Benghazi in particular? "We have been manipulated? Who? A portion of the left says, for example, that Gadhafi never bombed from the air at the demonstrators and that this showed that it is all a media montage to justify intervention. But also some respectable means of left-think of Il Manifesto, or in Telesur- have been accused of giving false or incomplete information.
course I'm biased. I am aware and I'm proud. Each story has a point of view. It is important to choose your own. In the same way I talk about borders assuming the point of view of migrants and the families of those who have died at sea and not the European bourgeoisie or the border police, so I told the revolution Tunisia and Egypt, mingling with the rebels and not to the henchmen of dictators. The same in Libya. Not to be spokesman for a war criminal like Gaddafi. I would, yes, being in Tripoli and talk about the resistance in the capital, which has disappeared from the news after the first timid protests were suppressed in blood and after that all journalists "embedded" were held in hotels and forced to cover the news only previously selected by the regime. So yes, I'm biased and prefer to be on the side of those fighting for freedom, not who employs mercenary troops and rocket launchers to attack its own people because he wants to leave office after 42 years of dictatorship. Well, the Left is in crisis because Gaddafi has been a symbol for some and some third world socialism. And today still has many friends. Among them Chávez and therefore Telesur, and Valentino Parlato and therefore Il Manifesto. So do not cite these two media as good examples of journalism on the issue of Libya. Nor cite the channel Al-Arabiya, who circulated false figure of 10,000 dead or any other media without evidence released news of the bombing of the crowd of demonstrators and mass graves of even using crazy how the word genocide. Here emerges yet again the poor quality of journalism today, especially Italian. And especially when it comes to having events that go beyond the usual categories of thought. Socialism and the dictatorship, war and peace, Islam and democracy. Precisely why I think it is important to be here and write from the stories of the protagonists of this revolution. The youth of the new generation in Libya.
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