Diario La Primera - 25/03/2011
Ollanta says the top five all but he has intervened directly in government and have not I promise today. Held a mass rally in Callao and promised to defend the port.
presidential candidate of Ghana Peru, Ollanta Humala, yesterday asked voters who have not yet decided how to vote to do so by someone who has not intervened directly in the government and most candidates occupying the top five of the surveys.
"April 10 will have to vote yes or yes and therefore call upon them to listen to the proposals of all candidates and see if the candidates were already being offered today government which did not meet when they were government. We must give chance to those who are not government, "he said after his tour in the Farmer's Market in Los Olivos.
Ollanta also called politicians who are 20 or 30 years directly involved in successive governments "to step aside and let a new generation of politicians we leave the task to build the changes that Peru needs. " Candidate Wins Peru said the Peru Possible candidate, Alejandro Toledo, now promises not fulfilled when it was government on security issues, education and health.
also recalled that the candidate of the Alliance for the Great Shift, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, a political veteran who participated in the second government of Fernando Belaunde and the government of Alejandro Toledo. Ollanta also said Keiko Fujimori was directly involved in the government of his father and said nothing about the corruption of that regime. He reminded that the presidential candidate of National Solidarity, Luis Castillo, was an official in the government of Alberto Fujimori.
The port is not sold
Candidate Wins Peru led a mass rally last night at Callao, on the corner of Avenida Sáenz Peña and the Real Felipe, attended by members and supporters of the Nationalist Party and its allies around Callao.
Ollanta pledged that a Nationalist government eventually defend the port of Callao and it will not be privatized or sold to foreign capital because it is a strategic asset for the country.
chalacos said that should be easy because the port will not sell and instead will be improved to give more profits to the Peruvians. Also committed to youth Callao. "A nationalist government will create more job opportunities for young people and the country chalacos so there is no need to go to other countries because we want our young work here in our country "he said. Ollanta Humala, before attending the rally Callao, met with unions Fiori carriers. Peru's candidate wins the men said that when the wheel chair carriers will pay what is fair, in terms of taxes and insurance.
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