Friday, March 25, 2011

I Can't Play Mkv With My Vlc

ignorant and false ID to vote on

Warning Signal
by Herbert Mujica Rojas

PPK ignorant and false ID

, no offense to Peru, its history and its people, a presidential candidate say what he has said Pedro Pablo Kuczynski blatant misinformation?:

"Bolivia has the perfect right to demand access to the sea, but the Ancon Treaty clearly states that Chile can not give such access without the consent of Peru . So, anyway Peru will have something to say about it "he said. 24-ppk-says-it- peru-always-has-favored-the- -of-Bolivia access-to-mar- noticia_348625.html

Confused by ignorant PPK the Ancon Treaty signed in 1883 and under the tutelage of invasive weapons in Peru and Chile which put an end to the war of plunder -1879-1883 - and lost defnitivamente Tarapacá, with an incident that occurred 46 years later: the Treaty and Additional Protocol June 3, 1929!

Moreover, attributed PPK, confirming his assassination in history, the Treaty of 1883 parcels lacking: "Chile can not give you the access (Bolivia) without the consent of Peru. " Yerro unusual in a country who seeks to govern.

The first article of the Supplementary Protocol of 3 June 1929 letter says:

"The governments of Peru and Chile may not, without prior agreement including a third power transfer all or part of the territories, in accordance with the Treaty of this date are under their respective sovereignties, nor can without that requirement, build, through them, new international railway lines. "

Therefore, Peru does not have to give any consent to departure from Bolivia to the sea which is a bilateral issue between the highland nation and Chile, but the Southern country should have an" agreement "with Peru to cede an inch of all or part of the territories under their respective sovereignties: Arica and Tacna.

is clear, blatant and irrefutable that the American PPK lacks even the most basic rudiments of history and how things are dealt with foreign policy. Has anyone asked how he would handle a layman rude like that, the prickly issue of boundary disputes brought to Chile before the International Court of Justice?

Magic and cable service offered the chance to know how elections are elsewhere. And what we've seen in Chile is that absolutely all the presidential candidates keep uniformity and consistency on the limits especially in Peru! And what have we here?: A donkey speaking gringo unacceptable and arrogant nonsense!

In Miami, Mr. PPK and his wife signed a declaration under which and to be U.S. citizens, property sold unaffected by 10% tax. When he returns to Peru PPK collected with their birth identity card but avoided any mention of his American citizenship. Good account, to avoid paying taxes in Gringolandia says here is American and Peruvian claims to be hoaxes. Then guilty of perjury in the U.S. and surprises that extends RENIEC innocent bureaucratic paper identity.

The hoax phenomenon is repeated in Miami and here in Lima. Is that guy who is touching the genitals and pour tons of profanity, deserve even the slightest consideration?

RENIEC How much delay in meeting the demand that your ID is annulled by fraud? RENIEC forced to cancel the ID of PPK! article169057.html.

PPK is one of the gifts of the Camisea gas. Not only that: how many of their throats hoarse shouting today are children of retirees who this gringo stripped of all their pensions, a few years ago?

When the mercenaries of poverty leads to "spontaneous acriollado" the American PPK, are incurred and revived the old habit of "rum and sausages" who practiced the civilian and the government of Alan GarcĂ­a started limping Fashion at the Festival of corruption that has been spoiled his administration. PPK degrades politics, ridiculing the poor and making a novice that is missing. As early as 1968 and give away ten million dollars to the IPC had to flee Peru. Can voted by a subject of this category?

Attentive to history, the galleries applaud what sounds good!

Tackle to power, the government has any!

Break the infamous and tacit agreement to speak in a whisper!

Only talent save Peru!

Skype: hmujica


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