Saturday, March 12, 2011

What Episode Of Family Guy Has Meg's Bergina

Interview with Amber Lake

First of all we thank we spend time to answer the following questions. We are delighted to have the opportunity to interview.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to communicate with readers through your wonderful blog.

If it's okay, we would start the interview with a full-blown presentation. Since there are three books you've managed to publish, however, not only excel as a writer but, in parallel, working in the service of documentation from the school How to combine two professions?

With great effort, good organization and lots of help from my family, is my priority and I spend much of my time. The only problem is that I have two or three hours a day to devote to writing, hence not a very prolific author and despite my years of writing, my work is so scarce.

know your passion for writing goes back a long time ago, especially in childhood. However, opted to devote to studies and temporarily put this dream. Was a big decision? Or was it more of a hobby with no future projects?

I've never abandoned his passion for writing despite a college degree, raise a family, and dedicate part of my time at a job that attracts and satisfies. I like to combine all because, to a greater or lesser degree, are important parts of my life.

Anyway, you have succeeded in dedicating yourself to your two passions. How do you remember your first venture into the world of words?

a child making up stories that did not come to write and I insisted on telling everyone who was willing to listen, especially my friends and a teenager, capturing those same stories in stories or novels that ambitious projects with years was developing, expanding and polishing whenever he had a few minutes for it. Let's continue

a little more in your childhood. Some young people feel shame or fear to confess his love of writing. And much more to show these treasures. In your case, what was a fact to voices or something more intimate?

My family did know that inclination for writing was very normal for me with notebook and pencil in hand, and when I asked what she did, I replied that I was writing. I imagine they would think it was a passing fancy fruit of youthful eccentricity. At that time he wrote just for me, without considering the possibility of publishing, so I did not like to read my writings.

And before posting, Does your environment know your intentions or surprised more than one?

When I thought of sending my work to contests and publishers with the intention of seeing it published, I decided to leave them to read to my family and friends to give me your opinion. If that view had not been positive, I would not have dared to take that step. Were not surprised when I published my first story for over ten years, followed by other more and then the rest of works.

Possibly this is the question that you answered more often, however, always be new information to anyone. Decided to use a pseudonym to let you know in your role as a writer. When and how was Amber Lake?

prefer to use pseudonyms because it is a way to separate my writer facet of my daily life, also because I've always liked to preserve my privacy. Amber Lake
arose when, after writing strategies of fate, a novel based in the English Regency period, it seemed appropriate to use one Anglo. Looking for something that I liked, I remembered how to describe the eyes of one of the characters in the novel, hence arose Amber Lake.

In general, all authors who have finally succeeded in publishing has been With effort and perseverance. What has been your personal experience with publishers?

Until about fifteen years ago there were only a few publishers of that genre and foreign authors published only (except for Corin Tellado). That meant that the chances of an author published a English novel were very low, so not trying to send manuscripts. It was in 1998, following which the publisher announces a contest Harlequin romance novel, when I decided to send one of my novels. I did not win but he encouraged me to send my manuscripts to publishers. Were rejected for years until in 2007 the editorial Vestal me that wanted to publish one that had sent him. Then I had no problems to publish two novels, both with the publisher The Machinist, you are betting from the first time by Hispanic authors.
For the rest of my works, stories and poems, I had no problems since almost everyone I've sent have been published.
and, strictly speaking of romance writers Do you think the English have difficulty or limitations?

Fortunately, publishers are increasingly investing by Hispanic writers, although I we are required more than the other authors. And not only are publishers, readers also follow this pattern, thoroughly analyzing everything we write and in many cases, highlighting only the faults they find.
guess the fact that most authors we known Internet forums, may give the impression to some readers that we are only a few amateurs who have decided to start writing to pass the time. May exist, but most spend time and effort, we carefully documented and we strive to achieve quality work.
Regarding constraints, apart from each author that you put your imagination should add that sometimes the obstacles we encounter in this world by certain "circles", bent on discrediting our work arbitrarily.

In the middle of writing Do you have a definite routine?

Very few in reality because, by having so little time for it, I can not afford such luxuries. I prefer to write at night, in silence or with a very faint music, but if I get the opportunity to do so in the midst of a crowded place, do not waste the opportunity. What I do is try to write every day even if only a few minutes because, otherwise, I feel I have missed something important that day.

Each genre carries a different type of reader and only Why did you become interested in writing romance? Have you always been this way?

My love of romance began in my youth as a reader and I have been continuing until now. Of those readings were emerging projects future novels, some I have developed and many still continue to be a project.
But do not just write romance, but it's my favorite genre and I have written more works, including my first novels were typical of teenagers own adventures. I have written works of very different genres as historical, juvenile, police ...; also poems, one of which appears in a collective book published recently by a US-based editorial.

We commented earlier that has published three books. The first was a historical novel: "Strategies of Destiny" at the hands of the publisher Vestal. How was the moment of great YES, publish your novel?

After years of sending my manuscripts to publishers and getting rejection after rejection, when the publisher contacted me and told me his interest in publishing my novel, I felt a great calm. I started to jump for joy or yelling, I just sat quietly with a big smile and thought: "We've taken the first step."

However, in the next two books published by the editorial Drivers registration has changed, focusing on the contemporary. What you find most comfortable?

In both subgenera I feel comfortable. Paradoxically, the last two books I wrote before the target strategies.
When I started writing romance novels with contemporary stories did. Now I lean more to the romantic history, but I have yet to write a sequel to Caught in deception that several readers have asked me.

" The escort" was your second release. What would you highlight it?

I mainly emphasize the male lead, James Foreman. It's one of my "guy" favorites. It is also the most erotic novel I've written and I feel very proud because I have trouble writing those scenes.

And we have to congratulate the recent publication of your new novel: "Caught in deception ." What will they find readers in this story?

A love story that goes a little to the established canons of romance novel the protagonist having a physical defect. A troubled relationship between the protagonists, two people with vast differences in character, age, experience ..., and a story of overcoming that, despite everything that divides them, are able to maintain over time that love them together almost from the outset and ensure that triumph over adversity.

This time, the male protagonist has the distinction of being a blind man. How would you describe Jared?

the beginning, and how to treat Ann, Jared can give the impression of being a despot intractable, but continue reading to understand the suffering and trauma that has altered the character that way. In fact, it is a noble but tormented by guilt and deeply hurt, what has become a misogynist ... until Ann restores hope and joy of living so dramatically lost.

Got a favorite scene or event you want to get ahead?

There are many, for example one that Ann finally manages to overcome the embarrassment that the presence of Jared provokes and draws for the first time nails:

-do not need anyone giving me advice, let alone a silly girl like you, "he said angrily. Ann
could not suppress the anger that invaded and losing their shyness with repeated offenses, replied in the same tone.
"I'm tired of calling me girl. Many years ago I ceased to be. Moreover, I doubt that his little if not zero, the relationship you have provided me enough data to say so categorically and repeatedly my lack of intelligence.
addition to published books, have a range of short stories. We know you have special affection for one in particular: "A day in the life of a suffering mother, wife, stop ...." Can you tell the story that lies behind it?

is true, I have a special affection because so far has given me two great satisfaction. The first is to write, since I started doing in the hospital while caring for my ailing daughter. To see her smile as I read it, forgetting for a moment of their plight, was the greatest satisfaction that I can provide this account. The second, when I sent it to a competition and won third prize.

One of the most rewarding things are surely praise from readers. Do you consider yourself a writer close to them?

At least I try, replying to emails or post in the forums and encouraging them to express their opinions about my works. I feel a great satisfaction when people tell me they like my novels, and I assume the best possible negative reviews when they are constructive, understand that I may like the whole world. The opinions of the readers are priceless to me, and in particular highlighting the flaws or defects in helping me correct them in the future.

Finally, the question of rigor. Do you launch new projects? Tell us a little ...

I am currently in the process of reviewing two romance novels, one historical and one contemporary. I am also documenting for a historical novel that will begin to write in the coming months, and besides, I'm collecting stories for a book that I hope to publish later this summer.
Amber wish you much success.

Thank you for your kindness and for the great work you do in favor of romantic literature and the authors of romance in Castilian.



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