Cubadebate - 23/03/2011
Yesterday was a long day. Noon attended the adventures of Obama in Chile, as did the previous day with his adventures in the city of Rio de Janeiro. That city, in a brilliant challenge, had defeated Chicago in their quest to host the Olympics in 2016, when the new U.S. president and Nobel Peace Prize like a rival of Martin Luther King.
Nobody knew when it came to Santiago de Chile and why would there a U.S. president, where his ancestors had made the painful crime to promote the overthrow and physical death of his heroic President, horrific torture and murder of thousands of Chileans.
tried on my part, at a time, to follow the news from Japan and the tragedy of the brutal war waged against Libya, while the illustrious visitor proclaimed "equal partnership" in the worst in the world where wealth is distributed.
Among the many things I neglected a bit and saw nothing of the sumptuous banquet with hundreds of delicacies that nature endowed the seas, which if done in a restaurant of Tokyo, where they pay up to 300 thousand dollars for a fresh bluefin tuna, would have rallied to $ 10 million.
was too much work for a girl my age. I wrote a brief reflection and then slept long hours.
This morning was cool. My friend did not come to El Salvador until after noon. Asked dispatches, Internet articles and other newcomers.
Vi, first, that's my fault offices newswire had given importance to what I said about the post of First Secretary of the Party, and I will explain as soon as possible. Concentrate on the "equal partnership" of Barack Obama, an issue of such historical significance, I'm serious, "not even remembered to take place next month's Party Congress.
My attitude regarding the issue was only logical. Realizing the seriousness of my health, I did what I believe was not necessary when I had the painful accident in Santa Clara, after the fall of the treatment was tough, but life was not endangered.
When, however, wrote the Proclamation of July 31 was clear to me that the condition was extremely critical.
immediately lay down all my public functions, adding to it a few instructions to provide security and reassurance to the population.
the waiver was not needed, in particular, for each of my positions.
The most important thing for me was the First Secretary of the Party. By ideology and in principle, in a revolutionary stage in that political office is for the highest authority. The other position he held was President of the Council of State and Government, elected by the National Assembly. For both positions there was a substitute, and not because of family ties, I've never seen a source of law, but through experience and merit.
The rank of Commander in Chief had given me the struggle itself, a matter of chance rather than merit. The Revolution itself, in further step, correctly assigned the leadership of all armed forces to the President, a role in my opinion should correspond to the First Secretary of the Party. I understand that it should be in a country like Cuba, has faced considerable obstacles such as the rule created by the U.S..
passed nearly 14 years since the last Party Congress, which coincided with the demise of the USSR and the socialist camp, the Special Period and my own illness.
When partially recovered gradually and health, not even crossed my mind the idea or necessary formalism to express waiver of charge. Accepted In this period the honor of election as Member of the National Assembly, which did not require physical presence, and with whom he could share ideas.
Since I have more time than ever to monitor, report, and present certain points of view, modestly fulfill my duty to fight for the ideas I have advocated throughout my humble life.
I ask readers to excuse me this time spent in explanation, that the above circumstances forced me to perform.
The issue most important, do not forget, is the unusual alliance between wealthy and hungry proposed the illustrious President of the United States.
The well-informed people who know, for example, the history of this hemisphere, their struggles, or even only the people of Cuba to defend the revolution against the empire, as Obama himself acknowledges, has lasted longer than "their own existence" - is certain to amaze your proposal.
is known that the current President is a good basting of words, circumstances which, coupled with the economic crisis, the growing unemployment, homelessness, and death of American soldiers in Bush's stupid war, helped him win.
After observing it, I would not be surprised if the author of the ridiculous title that the killing was baptized in Libya: "Odyssey of the Dawn", which shook the dust from the remains of Homer those who helped forge the legend of the famous Greek poems, though I admit that perhaps the title was a creation of the warlords who run the thousands of nuclear weapons with which a simple order of the Nobel Peace Prize can be determined the end of our species.
In his speech to whites, blacks, Indians, mestizos and not mestizos, believers and nonbelievers of the Americas, delivered at the Centro Cultural Palacio de la Moneda, the U.S. embassy distributed copies faithful everywhere, and was translated and released by Chile TV, CNN, and I imagine that other stations in other languages.
style was delivered the first year in office in Cairo, the capital of his friend and ally Hosni Mubarak, whose tens of thousands of millions of dollars stolen from the people is to assume he knew a U.S. president.
"... Chile has shown that we need not be divided by race [...] or ethnic conflict," he said, so the American problem was wiped off the map.
almost immediately obsessively insists that "... this wonderful place where we are, just steps from where Chile lost its democracy for several decades ..." everything but deliver the coup, the assassination of Schneider honorable general, or the glorious name of Salvador Allende, as if the U.S. government did not have to see at all.
The great poet Pablo Neruda, whose death accelerated the treacherous blow, it was given more than once, in this case to say so beautifully poetic our "star" key are the "fight" and " hope. " Obama Does not she know that Pablo Neruda was a Communist, friend of the Cuban Revolution, a great admirer of Simon Bolivar, who is reborn every hundred years, and inspiration of the heroic guerrilla Ernesto Guevara?
was astonished almost from the beginning of his message, the deep historical knowledge of Barack Obama. A counselor irresponsible forgot to explain that Neruda was a member of the Communist Party of Chile. After recognizing that other paragraphs inconsequential: "I know I'm not the first U.S. president to promise a new spirit of cooperation with our Latin American neighbors. I know that sometimes, the U.S. has taken for granted in this region. "
" ... Latin America is not the old stereotype of a region in perpetual conflict and caught in endless cycles of poverty. "
"In Colombia, great sacrifices by citizens and Security forces have restored a level of security not seen for decades. "There never was drug trafficking, paramilitary and clandestine cemeteries.
In his speech the working class does not exist, landless peasants, not the illiterate, child and maternal mortality, those who become blind or suffer from parasites such as Chagas disease or bacteria such as cholera.
"From Guadalajara to Santiago and São Paulo, a middle class is demanding more of herself and more of their government," he says.
"When a coup in Honduras threatened democratic progress, the countries of the Hemisphere unanimously invoked the Democratic Charter, which helped lay the foundations of a return to rule of law."
The real reason Obama's wonderful speech explains in her mid indisputable message in their own words: "Latin America will only become more important to America, especially for our economy. [...] We buy more of their products and services that no other country, and invest more in this region than any other country. [...] We export more than three times to Latin America than we export to China. Our exports to this region ... are growing faster than our exports to the world .... " Can one conclude from this that "the more prosperous Latin America is more prosperous America."
later insipid words to the facts:
"But let's be frank and admit [...] the progress of the American continent is not fast enough. Not for the millions who suffer the injustice of extreme poverty. Not for children in the slums and favelas, they just want the same opportunities as others. "
" The political and economic power is too often concentrated in the hands of few, Instead of serving the majority. "verbatim
" We're not the first generation to face these challenges. Exactly 50 years ago, President John F. Kennedy proposed an ambitious Alliance for Progress. "
" The challenge to President Kennedy remains: 'to build a hemisphere where all [people] can have the hope of a proper living standard, in which all can live their lives with dignity and freedom '. "
It's amazing that this story comes now so crude that is an insult to human intelligence.
He has no choice but to mention among the great calamities a problem that originates in the huge U.S. market and homicidal weapons in that country: "The gangs of criminals and drug traffickers are not only a threat to the security of citizens. They are a threat to scare off investment development because the economy needs to thrive. And they are a direct threat to democracy because they encourage corruption, undermining the institutions from within. "
reluctantly then adds:" But never remove the attractiveness of the cartels and gangs unless we will also address the social and economic forces that fuel crime. We need to reach vulnerable young people before resort to drugs and crime. "
" As President, I made it clear that in America we accept our responsibility for the violence caused by drugs. The demand for drugs, including those in the U.S., behind this crisis. So we formulated a new strategy for drug control which focuses on reducing drug demand through education, prevention and treatment. "
What it says is that 76 people in Honduras per 100 thousand people die from violence, 19 times more than in Cuba, where practically, despite the proximity to the United States, this problem hardly exists.
After a few silly things like that on the way to Mexico with weapons that are confiscated, Trans Agreement, the Inter-American Development Bank, with which he says will strive to increase the "Fund Microfinance for Growth in the Americas "and promised the creation of new" Pathways to Prosperity "and other high-sounding terms that pronounces English and English, pilgrims return to their promises of hemispheric unity and trying to impress listeners with risks climate change.
Obama "And if anyone doubts the urgency of climate change, just to look inside the American continent, from the severe storms of the Caribbean to the melting of glaciers in the Andes and the loss of forests and culture throughout the region. "Without the courage to recognize that his country is ultimately responsible for this tragedy.
explains that is proud to announce that "... the U.S. is working with partners in the region, including the private sector to increase by 100,000 the number of U.S. students in Latin America 100.000 and the number of American students studying in the United States. "You know what it costs to study medicine or other career in that country, and the shameless plundering of brains that U.S. practice.
All their talk ends with a praise to the OAS Roa called "Ministry of Colonies Yanki" when in memorable denunciation of our country at the United Nations, said the U.S. government had attacked our country on April 15, 1961 with B-26 bombers with Cuban insignias painted, a shameful fact that within 23 days will be 50 years.
believed that everything was fully ready to proclaim the right to subvert order in our country.
heroically confesses that they are "allowing Americans to send remittances to give them some economic hope to people across Cuba, as well as more independence from the authorities."
" ... continue to seek ways to increase the independence of the Cuban people, who are entitled to the same freedom as everyone else in this hemisphere. "
then acknowledges that the embargo hurts Cuba, depriving the economy of resources. Why not recognize that the intentions of Eisenhower, and the declared objective of the United States when he applied, was to starve the people of Cuba?
Why do you support? How many hundreds of billions of dollars of compensation amounts that the U.S. should pay to our country? Why stay in prison at 5 Cuban anti-terrorist heroes? Why not apply the Adjustment Act to all Latin Americans instead of allowing thousands of them found dead or injured in the border imposed on that country after the snatch more than half of its territory?
I ask the President of the United States that I excuse the frankness.
not harbor hostile feelings toward him or his people.
my duty to expose what I think of their "equal partnership."
United States create and promote the profession of mercenaries. I can assure you the best and most prepared young of our country graduated from the University of Information Sciences know much more than Internet and computing the Nobel Prize and President of the United States.
Fidel Castro Ruz
March 22, 2011
9 and 5:00 p.m.
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