Thursday, March 24, 2011

How Many Watts Is Good For A Flashlight

Some lies about the war in Libya

Cubadebate - 23/03/2011

By Thierry Meyssan

Photo: tracer bullets in the sky of Libya
AP Photo / Jerome Delay
is said that in war the first casualty is truth. Military operations in Libya and the resolution 1973 which serves as a legal basis are the exception not the rule. Are presented to the public as necessary to protect the civilian victim of indiscriminate repression of Colonel Gaddafi. Actually have classical imperialist objectives. Here are some elements clarifiers.

Crimes Against Humanity

Provided worsen the situation, the US press led to believe that the hundreds of thousands of people fleeing Libya were trying to escape from a slaughter . News agencies say thousands of dead and "crimes against humanity." Resolution 1970 complained to the International Criminal Court possible "systematic or widespread attacks against civilians."

Libyan conflict is actually a political reading, while a reading in terms Tribal. Immigrant workers were the first victims of the conflict. Suddenly, they have been forced to leave. The fighting between supporters of Qaddafi and the rebels have certainly been bloody, but not at the rates advertised. There was never a systematic repression against the civilian population.

Support "Arab spring"

In his speech to the Security Council, the French Minister of Foreign Affairs Alain Juppe hailed the "Arab spring" in general and in particular the Libyan uprising.

black hid His lyrical discourse intentions. Did not say a word about the bloody repression in Yemen and Bahrain, but praised the King Mohamed VI of Morocco as if it were one of the revolutionary militants [1], thus contributing to worsen the already disastrous image of France that exists in the Arab world thanks to the presidency of Sarkozy.

support the African Union and Arab League

Since the beginning of these events, France, Britain and the Kingdom s no longer say that this is not a Western war, although the French Interior Minister Claude Gueant spoke of a "crusade" of Nicolas Sarkozy [2]. The three countries are hiding and the support they allegedly received from the African Union and Arab League.

The reality is that the African Union condemned the crackdown and acknowledged the legitimacy of democratic demands, but delivered at all times against foreign armed intervention [3]. As for the Arab League is an organization, which brings together a number of schemes threatened by similar revolutions. These schemes support the principle of the Western counter-some are even participating in it in Bahrain, but can not afford to get to support a real war because West would face an acceleration of internal opposition movements that could topple .

Recognition Libyan National Transitional Council

There are 3 areas in Libya rebellious. A National Transitional Council was established in Benghazi. Merged with a Provisional Government established by the Minister of Justice of Gaddafi, who joined the rebels [4]. It was this same character, according to the Bulgarian authorities, who organized the torture of the Bulgarian nurses and Palestinian doctor in the regime detained them for long.

By giving recognition to the Libyan National Transitional Council and to exempt from blame a new president , the coalition of Western countries choose their partners and requires the rebels as leaders . That allows you to remove the revolutionaries Nasserists, communists and the Khomeini.

The goal is to anticipate events and to avoid what happened in Tunisia and Egypt when the West imposed a government party without Ben Ali Ben Ali Suleiman or without Mubarak government, the revolutionaries overthrew governments also .

Embargo on arms

If the objective is to protect the population, would have sufficed to establish an embargo on weapons and mercenaries for Gaddafi's regime . Instead, the embargo was extended to the rebels to prevent their possible victory . The real objective was to stop the revolution.

fly zone

If the objective is to protect the civilian population, the exclusion zone would be limited to insurgent territory (as in Iraq with Kurdistan). The reality is that the flight ban extends to the whole country. In this way the coalition hopes to maintain the balance of forces on land and divide the country into 4 parts: the 3 zones and the area revolted fair.

This de facto division of Libya should be compared with that of Sudan and the Ivory Coast, early stages of the "redesign of Africa."

freeze assets

If the objective is to protect the civilian population, had only ordered the freezing of personal assets of the Gaddafi family and dignitaries of the regime to prevent them from violating the embargo on arms. But that was extended to freeze the assets of the Libyan state. The fact is that Libya, as a rich oil state, has a considerable treasure, part of which is invested in the South Bank, an institution that provides financing for projects in the Third World.

As the president of Venezuela Hugo Chávez, the freezing of assets will not protect civilians. Its aim is to restore the monopoly of the World Bank and IMF .

Coalition volunteers

If the objective is to protect the civilian population, the manager would implement the UN resolution 1973. Instead, military operations currently being coordinated by the U.S. AfriCom and presumably will be passed on to NATO [5]. That's why the Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu was indignant at the French initiative and demanded explanations from NATO.

More directly, the Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has called the resolution 1973 as' flawed and inadequate. Since one reads it becomes evident that allows anyone to take action against a sovereign state. All this reminds me of a medieval crusade called "Putin concluded [6].

[ 1] The reader will find the full text of speech by Alain Juppe, the debates of the Security Council of the UN and the text of the resolution, "Résolution 1973 " Réseau Voltaire , March 17, 2011.
[ 2 ] " Nicolas Sarkozy La Croisade " Réseau Voltaire, March 22, 2011.
[ 3 ] " Communiqué de l'Union africaine sur la Libye " Réseau Voltaire, March 10, 2011.
[ 4] For details, see " Proche-Orient: the contre-révolution d'Obama ", by Thierry Meyssan, Réseau Voltaire , March 16, 2011.
[5 ] "Washington lever is regarde l'aube de l'Odyssée" africaine », by Thierry Meyssan, Réseau Voltaire , March 19, 2011.
[ 6] "Remarks on the situation in Libya " by Vladimir V. Putin Réseau Voltaire, March 21, 2011.
Thierry Meyssan, although sympathetic to the uprising against the regime of Muammar el-Qaddafi, is opposed to resolution 1973 and stands against the war. In previous articles showed the imperialist objectives of this operation. In this work, Meyssan points out the lies of the propaganda leading Atlanticist.


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