Lucas Jordan is a renowned criminologist with paranormal powers who works for the FBI, the Special Crimes Unit. A psychopath kidnapper has mobilized the entire unit: after kidnap their victims, and collect the ransom, subjected to a grim situation with no escape lethal, while a clock ticks inexorably, the life that remains.
Samantha Burke, a medium who works in a circus, with ability to see the future, we cross back into the life of Luke, with a disturbing premonition: the murderer is well aware of Lucas mental pattern, and each of its movement is part of a twisted game chess in which all are pieces of macabre game. Samantha becomes the key player and the only way to save not only the lives of Lucas, but his wounded heart.
Samantha Burke, a medium who works in a circus, with ability to see the future, we cross back into the life of Luke, with a disturbing premonition: the murderer is well aware of Lucas mental pattern, and each of its movement is part of a twisted game chess in which all are pieces of macabre game. Samantha becomes the key player and the only way to save not only the lives of Lucas, but his wounded heart.
- Jaque fear
- Author: Kay Hooper
- Original title: Hunting Fear
- Publisher: Roca Editorial , Velvet / April 2008
- ISBN: 978-84-96575-79-0
- Gender: Suspense / Thriller
- Series: 1 - Bishop: Fear Trilogy
In what will be involved a serial murderer, an FBI agent to receive the gift of fear and a psychic circus.
Who will win?
***** This time back with the review of "Jaque fear" a book by Kay Hooper that was pending. So far he had not read anything about the author and, although his style I liked it, reminding even the great Karen Rose, author of supense romantic, I have to make various shades.
First, differs from most novels of suspense as it introduces paranormal such as the existence of Special Crimes Unit, whose officers are characterized by the possession of many useful gifts for research , such as Lucas . And Sam find a seer without much credibility.
Most already know I am not very fond of paranormal plots (INCLUDE vampires, wolves and strange creatures), however, this light it has been more acceptable to my taste. Mainly because the above and I get tired.
And as I said, I liked it and has spun all the suspense of the story. Because although it is based too much on psychic powers, I have come to remember the very Karen Rose, for example, the profile of the murderer. Cruel, scary and Machiavellian. However, all these compliments is a but.
lack not only romance (we can survive without), but lack show personal aspect of the protagonists, their emotions and thoughts . This I have really missed it in some way, takes away shine to the story, making surface and cold .
In this way, I could not find too much to the players. Especially Lucas, who except for a couple more details, noted for its blankness and dedication to work.
In my opinion "Jaque fear" has been half way to becoming a book more than passable and only good if it had all the ingredients I mentioned here. Also, I will continue the series Bishop. And I tell.
Just start this novel, we find a kidnapping. The victim is facing an extreme situation that gives us chills and gives us an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat we will find below. Five years after a kidnapper has check to the FBI with a series of kidnappings that always end with the death of the victims. A somewhat special unit, consisting of people with extrasensory abilities, go after the tracks and Lucas Jordan has turned Where a personal thing I remember from childhood haunts him and impels him to try to find victims before they died.
psychic Samantha Burke works as a fair but the cover of Madame Zarina hides a medium whose views let you know the future, have to cross your path with the kidnapper and Lucas Jordan .
Both Luke and Sam, will face a psychopath and his feelings .
Jaque fear is a thriller that keeps the reader guessing from beginning to end. The plot is well plotted and the rate does not decline. Kay Hooper's style is very similar to Karen Rose with situations that relate fear of victims , research against time, provided the limit, nerves and tensions that means.
The only downside is that being a novel of romance, suspense eclipse romance. Yet throughout the plot almost not miss because the novel, with its research itself, is sufficient to maintain the reader's attention. In counterpoint, the author introduces dyes paranormal with the powers of members of the brigade, without appearing on a show at the fair.
My only complaint is that although research is exciting, the characters are a little outside . Very start of the novel we meet Lucas who hides a deep pain that block his powers. Five years later we find him in the same circumstances, but with the addition of Sam and he have a common past that ended badly . The relationship is very cold between them, guess many things that were outstanding and also Sam knows something of the kidnapper who refuses to confess to Lucas, adding more tension. That is the weakest part, I've missed learn more the characters, both protagonists as the Secondary maintaining an important role in history. A very superficial way we come to know Sam had a very painful, which occurred three years before the couple and just glimpse the drama that blocked Lucas. Nor is the relationship between them flow when taken up what they left behind.
Kay Hooper skillfully embroidered intrigue, suspense remains with the police, but it should not be detrimental to the personal lives of the protagonists . However, I enjoyed very much and look forward to reading the second installment , partly to learn more of the components of the brigade with peculiar skills.
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