Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Game With A Dinosaur Popping Bubbles

Prensa Latina News - 23/03/2011

Libyan Great Man-Made River
Washington, Mar 23 (Prensa Latina) The aggression against Libya poses serious economic and political setbacks for President, Barack Obama, who faces and occupations of Iraq and swish and on the domestic front the fight with the Republicans.

Although the American political class agrees on a change of government in Tripoli, few are pleased by Obama's decision to participate in the bombings of the North African country without consulting Congress.

Many Democrats and Republicans are upset because the president not reported to the Capitol to launch the operation, while the most liberal accuse the White House and its allies want to appropriate the Libyan oil.

The criticisms from all directions: from moderate Democrats such as Senators Jim Webb and Republican Richard Lugar, a conservative lawmakers like Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich liberal.

In this regard, Rep. Michael Honda, a representative of this current, charged that the Pentagon went to war over natural resources of that country to defend human rights.

Meanwhile, Rep. Candice Miller, the Committee on Homeland Security of the House of Representatives, considered "very disturbing and unacceptable" that Obama has decided to join the coalition without formal consent of the Capitol.

Another problem for the Oval Office on the domestic front is the economic cost of the attack, at a time when both parties are locked in a struggle for budget cuts to curb the large fiscal deficit.

The newspaper National Journal, only the first day bombing the United States spent $ 100 million in missiles.

This campaign will be very costly, even when limited, said Sen. Richard Lugar.

"It's a strange time where almost every day the Congress reflects deficits and other problems, and yet at the same time this happens," said Place in reference to military attack .

To Todd Harrison, Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, only the implementation of a zone area in Libya will cost the American taxpayers between 30 and 100 million dollars a week.

However, the Center for a New American Security, said the amount could rise to between 400 and 800 million dollars by the response of Libyan troops.

He did not mention figures, Ben Rhodes, deputy national security adviser, admitted that the operation will be costly for the Union.

Internationally, Obama also faces serious setbacks for the consequences of U.S. raid, especially in Arab countries.

In fact, the national press revealed that several members of his cabinet were reluctant to military intervention by the political consequences.

Even Defense Secretary Robert Gates called on other solutions have to remember that U.S. forces are stretched by conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Already the President had to hear loud protests against the aggression Libya during his current tour of Latin America, while growing unrest in the Arab world.

In this situation, the online newspaper said the ruling gave him with pleasure the political leadership in the operation to his French counterpart, Nicolas Sarkozy, who was a staunch supporter of the war .

Obama now adds another problem to the already complex political landscape amid an economic crisis and the impending electoral torn to find his re-election next year.

ocs / rob


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