Warning Signal
by Herbert Mujica Rojas
23/03/2011 bear hug Catholic
What place in the production of Peru, the Catholic Church? Who answer and assert that by not having a location in the process, that institution is bereft of political power, think again. And pretty. "A story of what to illustrate the advance of Opus Dei, Bishop Cipriani, on what would come to power? When the bear hugs, so does that literally blows your fellow members and occasional unfortunate.
In Peru there are freethinkers who until a few hours feeding the illusion that a new government and legislative caucuses clean fully be responsible for questioning the Concordat between the Vatican State and the Peruvian government. As is well known that international agreement was signed between cocks and midnight, in the throes of military rule in 1980, there were never published in the official gazette El Peruano and are billions of suns which NO has been taxed to the Catholic Church under a treaty that never has been discussion and parliamentary confirmation!
Not only that. Has recently devoted one called law of "religious equality" in "honor" to its title left things as they are, ie, taking the Catholic Church in an exclusive and exclusionary, the enjoyment of all income tax, custom, educational, military, executive and legislative, the Concordat gave them bogus from beginning to end. Therefore, the bear hug Catholic news just this privilege nor sectarian will, even, questioned by anyone!
The right is very crude and unoriginal antichola. No longer serves Luis CastaƱeda sunk in the morass of his own errors. Ms. Keiko is stuck in what they call the "core vote and set a fine leader of Opus Dei, worship and always controversial, is part of his presidential scheme. Kuczynski is a phenomenon that involves millions in investments and episodic. One could even say that Alejandro Toledo became unpredictable for eternal power Gonfaloniers genuine, real and dictatorial in a few, very few and they have always had the keys to how you handled a quasi-banana republic like our country. One hundred ambassadors overseas, piloting the fate of 30 million people!
HOME. What merit of what to inform, discuss or even consider who, on behalf of the Catholic Church is also part of a sectarian group whose plans included raids and prosecutions against those who are not part of his uncompromising orthodoxy ? Opus Dei for women need not be smart enough to show willing and servile courtesy. If they were, homosexuals would eventually shot in the walls of the country. Needless to say I never hide their intolerances and other silent sects perversions as raw as the Sodality Sister Christian Life drive with perverse damage against youth. Or do not know that Bishop Cipriani Sodalit the gang has admitted that his icon for long decades, Doig Klinge Germain, was a degenerate who fell off his pedestal "suddenly"?
As in Franco's Spain and times of its founder, Escriva de Balaguer, Opus Dei has characters in high places. In Piura, no less, the local foundation was given to the sect by the father of San Dionisio Romero Seminario, decades ago and now have universities, colleges, banks, associations, throughout the country.
math sources said more or less successful, the possibility of a final between Toledo and Humala can not currently be ruled out. Nor should it fail to mention that the questioning of the Concordat and is an avowed conservatism impossible for those who are left to hug the bear Catholic and cooing to their hypocrisy.
Is human power can compete in strength with the bear? To our knowledge, no. And the result is inevitable: cataclysm of broken bones, shattered ideals, idiocy suma cum laude.
They call it politics.
Attentive to history, the galleries applaud what sounds good!
Tackle to power, the government has any!
Break the infamous and tacit agreement to speak in a whisper!
Only talent save Peru!
Read www.voltairenet.org / is
Skype: hmujica
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